Saturday, January 16, 2016

Daily Two Cents - Are They Spread Too Thin?

When I signed up at Daily Two Cents in 2014, I was looking forward to writing short articles (100 words). At that time the owners of DTC also owned another writing platform, WritEdge. Okay, so they owned 2 sites, one with a 100 word minimum and the other a 400 word minimum. 

But shortly after I joined they began setting up more writing sites, one right after another. They have one that is for reviews of anything (movies, products, TV shows, etc.) that site is HonestReviewz. Then there's Listofied (top 5, top 10 of anything), another is Trendzic, that site is all about selling any product. I was beginning to think that maybe they're spreading to thin. They continued starting up more and more sites...poetry & fiction, crafts, news and current events, and more, lots more. Some sites are pending completion.

What do you suppose began to happen? That's right, the writers at DTC stopped publishing there and went to the niche sites to write. Here it is November 2015 and the two owners of all these sites are telling the few remaining at DTC that we need to publish more articles or they will have to shut the site down. Well, who didn't see that coming? I guess Michelle and Danielle didn't.